Thursday, February 27, 2020

Orerk and Bolger leave Red Larch, and fall into a Trap!


140 GP from previous loot!


Orerk and Bolger spend the next day learning about who are all the members of 'The Believers' in Red Larch. Which comprise mainly a group of the leaders of Red Larch who have lucrative businesses. Halburk interviews all of them and decides they are all banished from the town. He suspects that outside forces were involved in corrupting them in some way.

That evening more refugees enter the town, in which they have trouble communicating the horrific ordeals they had dealt with to make them flee to Red Larch. But most of the stories are all very similar, in which crazy weather patterns take place, causing their homes to fall apart. And then groups of masked fighters attack them. Orerk and Bolger hear stories of masked fighters who have no armor and use their hands to kill people indiscriminately. As well as masked cultists like the one they dealt with in the Tomb of Moving Stones...

The next day Halburk asks the party (Rue and Cherry included!) to go investigate the recent activities on the path to Beliard, a town North East of Red Larch. Since all of the people that work for him and that he trusts are busy with keeping the town in order.

They are given horses for the trip, as well as any outdoor gear they may need.

Once they set off on the Red Larch road, which has a gradual uphill route into the Summering Hills. But as they go they see strange weather, lots of clouds and fog. And then once they traverse a large hill, they find a family on the side of the road. In which the father appears to be severly wounded, with a mother and daughter. The mother asks for their help to heal her husband, while the daughter appears to be very sad and detached...

They decide to camp at that spot, and shortly after nightfall they are attacked by a couple of Ghouls. Then the next morning they find that the parents are missing, and the daughter says that her Mom chased her father, who ran off. The party decided to explore and find out why the parents ran off. As they go down a side path from the road they hear a scream in the distance. Also forgot to say its super foggy now, with very little visibility.

They find a tall house where the scream came from, they tie up the horses on a tree and go inside the house. In the house they find a lot of Black Earth Cult signs on the walls, etc.

As they explore the house they find the distraught Mother, who has been attacked by a Specter, which the father had turned into!

Now they have found a secret passage in the house, that leads down into a basement. And in the underground basement they hear drum beats off in the distance....

1 comment:

Red Larch Post Apocalypse and The Howling Hatred Cult

The party has just helped a bunch of Druids with their  soiree  with Burning man, evil fire cult style. So they decide to escort the remaini...