Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sacred Stone Monastery


3 Javelins
800 silver pieces
65 platinum pieces
12 turquoise stones worth 10 gp each
Set of keys


The party finds themselves in a pickle.. Do they rest in the Rivergard Keep that may get attacked in middle of night? Or do they load up and leave ASAP?

They decide to leave and go north. Where they fight 3 Aarakorcra's, who dive bomb them and are quickly dispatched...

They sneak up to the monastery and go around to the back. They pick the lock and find a garden. They go through the garden after fighting 2 gargoyles and enter from the back. They find a couple of rooms, and then fight 4 Sacred Stone Monks. Then they fight a tough woman who has a set of keys...

Now they have a set of keys in the middle of a stone fortress...
Bass Ass Female Monk

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Riverguard Keep, now are's?


The party kills a number of the riverguard keep guards and staff. Grimjaw and the rest of the folks in the keep

Now the party is level 5!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Pirate's Dead, Now What?


4 Flasks of Alchemist Fire
+1 Cold Iron Warhammer for Bolger!
Boots of Elvenkind for Guib!
205 GPs worth of gems
2 Javelins
2 Sword Tooth Longswords (do extra die roll for unarmored creatures)


They spend sometime with Seirav, the minister of the lizardfolk. He is educated in the ways of other races and cultures. He agrees with the plan to attack the pirate captain Shoalaq on his ship.

They sneak up to the boat and attack! Fortunately Orerk's owl is able to stop Shoalaq from casting super dangerous spells! Saving the day and killing the captain, the remaining crew give up.

Currently the party now has 12 lizardfolk, 1 lizardfolk shaman, and 1 lizardfolk Scaleshield assisting them assault the Riverguard Keep.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Alliance with the Lizards?!?


Some crocodile teeth...


The party does a short rest and then approaches the door to the Lizardfolk lair.. They open it up and walk inside and are quickly stopped by a patrol of Lizardfolk. The party does a good job showing to them that they mean them no harm. In which Stringfellow knows Draconic language. They are then escorted to talk to Orphankant, the lizardfolk queen. She tells them that they have to do 2 quests to win her respect. Then she is informed that they have already completed one of the 2 quests!?!

She tells them they must go fight Thousand Teeth, a crocodile in the swampls 12 miles away. The party hunts their prey with a full moon to light there way through the swamp. The quickly dispose of the giant crocodile and return with its head!

They then find out that the Lizardfolk were kicked out of their homelands by the Crushing Wave Cult and the Sahuagin. In which they find out the Sahuagin have allied themselves with the Crushing Wave Cult.

The Queen has decreed that the Lizardfolk Shaman, and 12 lizardfolk will help the party attack the pirate that they both know is a member of The Crushing Wave cult...
Lizardfolk Shaman

Now the party is level 4!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Shanghaid from Riverguard Keep to Fight Frogs?!?!


325 Platinum Pieces in a metal chest!
Helm of Underwater Action
8 Normal spears
6 packs of rations and water for a week (given by Shoalar..)

Stringfellow's Quiver of Bolts of Many Things
When an opponent is hit, roll 1d6 to determine magical ability:
1 Just +1 bolt
2 Splash damage to opponent and neighboring
3 Add Bleed condition to opponent
4 Poisoned opponent that has Sickened Condition for 1d4 rounds
5 flash bang, all neighboring opponents have shaken condition
6 50/50 chance to Hold Person


The party leaves the barracks and finds themselves in the back courtyard area of the Riverguard Keep. They see 3 fish folk who yell for Reash. As they are yelling for him, another guy on a boat calls down to them to come aboard his boat! The party decides to get on the boat.

Reash - Leader that came out of the South East Tower

Shoalar Quanderil - Pirate Captain that invites the party onto his ship

Shoalar invites the party onto his ship. Once the party is onboard the boat magically starts to leave the bay of the Riverguard Keep. Once the boat is on its way, Shoalar drops a potion onto the ground, which creates a large cloud of blue/purple smoke. The cloud causes Orerk, Bolger, Donny to fall asleep. Stringfellow is immune to the smoke, but Spike knocks her out with a sap! Guib holds his breath, but then the Captain castes hold person on him and ties him up...

The party wakes back up.. but they are tied up in a slave pen on the boat. Bruised, cold, and wet, they finally start to feel very miserable and desperate. Finally Shoalar opens a latch and tells the party they have to go and investigate a small hill that is filled with Lizardfolk for the Crushing Wave Cult. He says he'll come back in a couple of days at dawn, and if the party doesn't come back in 4 days, he'll threatens to kill Rachel, their horses, and the guard with the red hair...

The party leaves the boat on a small skiff to go investigate the bluff.. which leads them into a scary looking marshland area. Which the find is filled with bogs and green slime!

They are then attacked by waves of Bullywugs.. in which finally they had to fight to Bullywug leaders...

Bullywug fighter
Bullywug Leader
Bullywug Captain

Red Larch Post Apocalypse and The Howling Hatred Cult

The party has just helped a bunch of Druids with their  soiree  with Burning man, evil fire cult style. So they decide to escort the remaini...