Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sacred Stone Monastery


3 Javelins
800 silver pieces
65 platinum pieces
12 turquoise stones worth 10 gp each
Set of keys


The party finds themselves in a pickle.. Do they rest in the Rivergard Keep that may get attacked in middle of night? Or do they load up and leave ASAP?

They decide to leave and go north. Where they fight 3 Aarakorcra's, who dive bomb them and are quickly dispatched...

They sneak up to the monastery and go around to the back. They pick the lock and find a garden. They go through the garden after fighting 2 gargoyles and enter from the back. They find a couple of rooms, and then fight 4 Sacred Stone Monks. Then they fight a tough woman who has a set of keys...

Now they have a set of keys in the middle of a stone fortress...
Bass Ass Female Monk

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