Thursday, June 25, 2020

Red Larch Post Apocalypse and The Howling Hatred Cult

The party has just helped a bunch of Druids with their soiree with Burning man, evil fire cult style. So they decide to escort the remaining druids back to Red Larch. As they go they find that Red Larch is surrounded by refugee encampments. As soon as they get close to the town, bands of starving refugees come forward, begging for food. The party and the Druids wade through the masses...

They get up to a make shift fence permiter that has been quickly setup around the town. They find 4 guards controlling one of the roads into town. They ask for any write of passage into town. Orerk had received a note for Harburk , the town Sheriff. As one of the guards pretends to read the note he starts to back away and run off with the note! The party gives chase.

They then chase him into Helm of Highsun tavern, which is much more shadier looking compared to the Swinging Sword tavern that is right next door! The find the guard inside the tavern and start to demand their write of passage note back from him.

As they argue for the note, Harburk  comes into the bar. They talk for a while and while they are talking they all get poisoned by the bar owner Stannor Thistlehair !

They then decide to chase down the bar owner, finding him stuck trying to escape town. They take his wagon and decide to go in same direction he was headed... To the Temple of Howling Hatred...

The party then sneaks around the Spire of the Feathergale Knights and starts to go into the Temple...

Red Larch Post Apocalypse and The Howling Hatred Cult

The party has just helped a bunch of Druids with their  soiree  with Burning man, evil fire cult style. So they decide to escort the remaini...