Thursday, February 6, 2020

Orerk and Kibwe meet in Red Larch


36 silver pieces


Apprentice Warlock Orerk came to Red Larch from Waterdeep. He has just learned the basics of being a Warlock and had been assigned to follow a group of Warlocks to a small village named Red Larch. Unfortunately for him a lot of the reasons why he had to go are a mystery. And his fellow Warlocks have been secretive as to the reasons they are going to the Dessarin Valley. The Warlocks have left Orerk at 'The Swinging Sword Inn' and have continued North, stating they will be back 'in a few days' to pick him up...

Kibwe was living at a monastery, learning the ways of a Monk, as well as learning how to brew beer! Once his initial training had been completed he has left the monastery to see about selling his beer and do some adventuring!

Orerk and Kibwe were in the bar area of the Inn, when a young man named Evan came running into the bar, looking very nervous and anxious. He quickly spoke with Kalessa regarding something and she just shushed him and walked off. Kibwe gave him some beer and he opened up to Kibwe and Orerk, telling them about a horrible nightmare he had regarding the town of Red Larch and everyone being on fire..

After a couple of drinks, Evan realized he had to go to the bathroom and ran out of the bar. As he was leaving Constable Harburk came in, looking for anyone that could help him with a situation. Kibwe and Orerk volunteered to help him. They were told to go a little bit out of town and help investigate some bandits that had stolen a wagon that a farmer had. They quickly found the bandits and killed them when they attacked.

Bringing back the wagon, dead bear, and bandits, Harburk awarded the adventures with some coin. And then the next day gave them another assignment to investigate the sighting of a Goblin in a field just south of 'The Market'. There they met their match with a Half-Ogre accompanying the Goblin! Kibwe and Orerk ran back to town after being seriously injured and told the Constable about the situation.

Will Kibwe continue to brew more beer and become rich in Red Larch?

Will Orerk's team of Warlocks come back for him soon?

These questions may be answered and more in upcoming game sessions of the Princes of the Apocylpse campaign!!!

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