Thursday, February 13, 2020

Orerk, Kibwe, and Bowlger get a real taste of death at Lance Rock


Strange Blue Globe!?!
Interesting magical wand!?!
185 Silver Pieces
78 Gold Pieces
4 Gems worth around 50 GP each
15 short swords
10 short bows
89 arrows


Orerk and Kibwe spend the night in the Temple in Red Larch, getting updates from Evan regarding what took place the previous day and morning. He tells them that a couple of the more senior fighters in the town went out and diced up the Half-Ogre and Goblin.

Once the two were well rested they went back to the Swinging Sword Inn and got caught up with the latest gossip. Kaylessa was all a flurry, racing around the bar while Orerk and Kibwe overheard a number of people very upset about the disappearances on the long road. Kaylessa giving Kibwe 20 Silver for the beer she had sold, then gave him his last keg of beer, half filled.

During this time, Kibwe and Orerk meet another adventure named Bowlger, a dwarf fighter, who likes to drink! Good times! Also they befriend a Dwarf Cleric named Cheery Littlebottom. Yet he isn't really that cheery, and his bottom wouldn't be considered little...

As the evening started Kaylessa approaches the group and introduces them to Rue. A mysterious little Female Gnome who is a dark cloak. Kaylessa says Rue has had a tough time and needs their help. Rue takes off her cloak to revial she is actually a Gnome Tiefling! A Teifome?!?

She tells the group a story about how her family had been killed, and she had been kidnapped and brought to a very disturbing cave. That was filled with undead and a crazy guy. After being down there for a couple of days she had escaped and wondered the country side for a day or two before getting to Red Larch. Rue wants the party help her go back and get revenge for her family!

The party goes to Lance Rock the following morning, with some magical items to help them out. They fight a bunch of zombies, skeletons, and one crazy guy who had a bunch of weird spells...

They return to Red Larch with a bunch of loot! And a story!

The party finds a mysterious blue globe!

1 comment:

Red Larch Post Apocalypse and The Howling Hatred Cult

The party has just helped a bunch of Druids with their  soiree  with Burning man, evil fire cult style. So they decide to escort the remaini...