Thursday, March 26, 2020

Riverguard Keep.. Taken over by Fishmen?!?

No time to loot! Running for their lives!

Giub and Phyre join a group leaving Red Larch to go to Riverguard Keep, led by a creepy guy named Coal, who had an odd Australian accent... After 2 days of travel, Coal starts to approach a young woman named Rachel with menace in his eyes.. Rachel runs away from the campsite and Coal chases her. Giub and Phyre decide enough is enough and give chase as well.

Then Rachel stumbles upon another campsite, which includes Orerk, Bolger, Stringfellow, and Donny. This causes an odd confrontation with Coal, who decides 6 adventurers is too many to argue with and runs off. After introductions everyone decides to go back to the other campsite and retrieve their gear, but they find out it has been stolen!

The next day the party continues on their trek to Riverguard keep, eventually spotting Coal up ahead running to the keep.

They get to the keep and are allowed inside by a sketchy group of guards.. One of the guards is named Two, who doesn't seem to have a full deck upstairs..

They are brought to Jolliver Grimjaw, who questions each of the players..
Jolliver Grimjaw
Lady in blue

They are then allowed to spend the night, in which they decide they may not survive the night. So they pretend to sleep for an hour, and then get up and kill 3 out of the 4 guards.
Guard the party questions and charms..

Fishy looking guards with shark swords...

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Feathergale Knights - Bunch of posers!


Gauntlets of Ogre Strength - Grav'don (Donny)
Quiver of Many Things - Stringfarrow
Scroll of Gust (Spellcasters can learn!)


The party members are all now level 3! And Orerk meets up with 2 new members of the wild bunch! Grav'don (Donny) who was a gladiator in Baulder's Gate. In which he learned the crafts of sword and stealth! And then also Stringfarrow, who likes to play his musical instrument.

And so they head off for Beliard (Bee-lard?!?) on the Larch Road, which cuts through the Sumber Hills. After just a half days ride, they see the Feathergale Spire off in the distance. But just as they see it, they are attacked! By 3 mounted riders! Who don't appear to be all that great at fighting mounted..

After killing the trio, the party decides to investigate the Spire, since they see other mounted riders off in the distance.

They meet Savra Belabranta and the leader of the Feathergale Knights, Thurl Merosska. They are invited to a banquet in the evening.

During the evening meal, they are stopped by an announcement of a Manticore found in the valley. So all the kngihts leave the banquet and hunt the Manticore that is in the Sighing Valley...

They make short work of the Manticore, and then go back to the Spire. The leader is impressed with the parties support of the hunt, and gives them a scroll to Gust cantrip spell to learn.

Thurl recommends that the party investigate the Rivergaurd Keep, which is just east of the Sighing Valley, right next to the Dessarin River.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

HPK - House of Death - Lorgoth the Decayer Eats Half the Party!


Nothing! So close..


Bolger and Orerk had to shake their heads! Rue and Cheery get replaced with Rumble and Epitome! It wasn't a sweet goodbye, but times change...

Rumble and Epitome had traveled from Waterdeep to Red Larch, but when they arrived in Red Larch, constable Humburk told them that the town was full of refugees and didn't have any place to keep them. Telling them that if they have time they should help a group of adventurers that he assigned to go to the town of Beliard, which along the Larch Road. They then quickly left Red Larch and found the trail of Orerk and Bolger.

Rumble and Epitome find the parties horses tied to a tree and do the same. Then they find an old Victorian house that appears the party had gone into.  Following the open doors they find the party in the basement. After fighting 2 groups of undead creatures they then go back upstairs and get a short rest. Then they go back down and find a large room with a blood soaked alter. After going up to the alter they awaken Lorgoth, who chases them out of the house.. But they also tried to fight Lorgoth as well...

The party starts to run from Lorgoth the Decayer

Bolger has just woken up after being engulfed by Lorgoth! Scat man!

Lorgoth got 2 player characters.. Here is their torn up character sheets...
Now Orerk and Bolger are tired and wondering if they should continue on to Beliard...

Red Larch Post Apocalypse and The Howling Hatred Cult

The party has just helped a bunch of Druids with their  soiree  with Burning man, evil fire cult style. So they decide to escort the remaini...