Thursday, March 12, 2020

Feathergale Knights - Bunch of posers!


Gauntlets of Ogre Strength - Grav'don (Donny)
Quiver of Many Things - Stringfarrow
Scroll of Gust (Spellcasters can learn!)


The party members are all now level 3! And Orerk meets up with 2 new members of the wild bunch! Grav'don (Donny) who was a gladiator in Baulder's Gate. In which he learned the crafts of sword and stealth! And then also Stringfarrow, who likes to play his musical instrument.

And so they head off for Beliard (Bee-lard?!?) on the Larch Road, which cuts through the Sumber Hills. After just a half days ride, they see the Feathergale Spire off in the distance. But just as they see it, they are attacked! By 3 mounted riders! Who don't appear to be all that great at fighting mounted..

After killing the trio, the party decides to investigate the Spire, since they see other mounted riders off in the distance.

They meet Savra Belabranta and the leader of the Feathergale Knights, Thurl Merosska. They are invited to a banquet in the evening.

During the evening meal, they are stopped by an announcement of a Manticore found in the valley. So all the kngihts leave the banquet and hunt the Manticore that is in the Sighing Valley...

They make short work of the Manticore, and then go back to the Spire. The leader is impressed with the parties support of the hunt, and gives them a scroll to Gust cantrip spell to learn.

Thurl recommends that the party investigate the Rivergaurd Keep, which is just east of the Sighing Valley, right next to the Dessarin River.

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