Thursday, March 26, 2020

Riverguard Keep.. Taken over by Fishmen?!?

No time to loot! Running for their lives!

Giub and Phyre join a group leaving Red Larch to go to Riverguard Keep, led by a creepy guy named Coal, who had an odd Australian accent... After 2 days of travel, Coal starts to approach a young woman named Rachel with menace in his eyes.. Rachel runs away from the campsite and Coal chases her. Giub and Phyre decide enough is enough and give chase as well.

Then Rachel stumbles upon another campsite, which includes Orerk, Bolger, Stringfellow, and Donny. This causes an odd confrontation with Coal, who decides 6 adventurers is too many to argue with and runs off. After introductions everyone decides to go back to the other campsite and retrieve their gear, but they find out it has been stolen!

The next day the party continues on their trek to Riverguard keep, eventually spotting Coal up ahead running to the keep.

They get to the keep and are allowed inside by a sketchy group of guards.. One of the guards is named Two, who doesn't seem to have a full deck upstairs..

They are brought to Jolliver Grimjaw, who questions each of the players..
Jolliver Grimjaw
Lady in blue

They are then allowed to spend the night, in which they decide they may not survive the night. So they pretend to sleep for an hour, and then get up and kill 3 out of the 4 guards.
Guard the party questions and charms..

Fishy looking guards with shark swords...

1 comment:

  1. Oi! I’m ready for next week. Great Job Earl. I like the setup we used last night. Much easier for non typing guys like me. lol


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